

Valvoline Launches New Line of Recycled Oil

A couple of years ago, a little-known American motor lubricant firm called Safety Kleen introduced its first-ever range of completely recycled mineral motor oil. Eco-Power represents a new direction in which engine oil will actually be reused rather than ending up being wasted or causing soil pollution.

Crucially though, the recycled engine oil goes through the same processes as virgin oil would undergo to end up as automobile lubricants fit for use in today’s high performance automobiles. Also, the recycled engine oil has been scientifically tested to meet all the requirements of the conventionally produced engine oil, thus making a very convincing case for itself. Taking this movement further into the mainstream is the American lube giant, Valvoline, which is much more known and visible both to motorists as well as auto manufacturers alike than Safety Kleen.

Barely a month ago, Valvoline launched a new line of motor oil called NextGen, with a recycled oil content of 50%. This, in a way represents a sneak peek into the future of engine oils as a well-known lube giant like Valvoline using recycled oil to make perfectly fine motor oil is something that could only be followed by other well-known engine oil makers like Shell, Castrol, Amsoil and Motul. This recycled engine oil could be the new mantra of used engine oil, thus making our planet a cleaner, greener and happier place to live in.

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