

Spectro Introduces New Portable Kinematic Viscometer

Noria news wires

Spectro Inc. has announced the introduction of a new portable, solvent-free, temperature-controlled kinematic viscometer. SpectroVisc Q3000 uses a patented split-cell capillary technique that allows the user to measure kinematic viscosity from only a few drops of oil. The entire sampling and testing process takes only a few minutes and can be easily conducted anywhere.

"This latest innovation from Spectro Inc. enables our customers to move powerful analytical tools and decision-making from the laboratory to the point of need, notably impacting workflow efficiency and reducing waste and cost of consumables,” said Yuegang Zhao, vice president of sales for Spectro Inc.

The new viscometer is designed for fast kinematic viscosity measurement in the field or any portable environment. The Q3000 has an intuitive software user interface, weighs just less than 1.8 kg and is powered by a lithium-ion battery that provides more than six hours of continuous operation.

"Viscosity of lubricants is integral to machinery health," said Zhao. "Maintenance professionals and blending operations will be able to significantly simplify lubricant testing, enabling operators to make decisions quickly and easily, and lower the cost of ownership."

For more information, visit www.spectroinc.com.

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