

Safety-Kleen Completes New Oil Blending Facility

Noria news wires

Safety-Kleen Systems Inc. recently announced that it has begun blending a variety of engine oils at its new East Chicago, Ind., blending facility. The facility, which was completed in late June, will allow the company to blend more of its own finished oil products in-house.

"This new facility gives Safety-Kleen the ability to blend a slate of oils for both passenger cars and heavy-duty diesel engines, and increase the supply of our environmentally friendly EcoPower engine oils," said Dave Sprinkle, executive vice president for oil re-refining. "In addition, by controlling the process at our own facility, we ensure a consistently high level of quality control."

The new facility will have an initial blending capacity of 20 million gallons annually, with the option to increase production by expanding work shifts in the future.

Scott Miller, Safety-Kleen's director of oil re-refining, managed construction of the new facility and will oversee operations.

"This new blending capacity improves our position as a direct supplier in the blended finished products market, in addition to being a reliable supplier of base oils," Miller said.

For more information, visit www.safety-kleen.com.

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