

Superior Field Support Separates Fluid Life From the Crowd

For 20 years, The Fluid Life Corporation has been helping customers improve equipment reliability and maximize production uptime by providing a customer- focused, hands-on approach to oil analysis. Fluid Life is a privately owned and operated oil analysis lab headquartered in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada. With fully equipped laboratories in Edmonton, Alberta and Burlington, Ontario, Fluid Life is well-positioned to service customers in eastern and western Canada from a diverse range of industries, including mining, oil and gas, pulp and paper, power generation, forestry, manufacturing, petrochemical, construction and transportation.

The key to Fluid Life’s success is its unique approach to working with new and existing customers. This includes helping customers realize the full potential of oil analysis by providing not just timely, accurate oil analysis data but also a “solution-oriented” package of services known as the Total Lubrication Management program. The TLM program takes a cradle-to-grave approach to lubrication management from providing advice and recommendations on lube storage and use, to oil sampling best practices, air and oil filtration and oil analysis programs that are goal-oriented and customer-focused. The TLM program draws on Fluid Life’s expertise in lubricating oil analysis and on other areas of core business such as the provision of oil sampling hardware, customized ultra-fine filtration systems, transformer oil analysis, coolant analysis and fuel testing.

Fluid Life’s team of highly skilled and qualified field service managers is pivotal to the success of the TLM program. These regional managers provide advice to customers in both the start-up phase of their program as well as on an ongoing basis, where it matters most - at the customer site. Regional managers add value and meaning to oil analysis programs by providing advice and recommendations on the most appropriate sample point location, to correct test selections and help with data interpretation. Having this degree of expertise at your fingertips is like having a fully qualified oil analyst on payroll.

An experienced team of lab personnel comprised of chemists, engineers and technologists supports Fluid Life’s field service managers. The focus of the lab employees is to provide rapid turn-around, typically 24 hours for most routine tests, while maintaining the utmost accuracy and data precision using only designated ASTM and ISO test procedures. To accomplish this, the lab participates in a number of quality assurance programs and expects to receive ISO 9002 certification soon.

Customers can choose to receive their oil analysis data by WinROAST™, Fluid Life’s oil analysis management and interpretation software, or online using Fluid Life’s myLab™ Web-based tracking and data management software. These user-friendly software options provide enhanced value to any oil analysis program by ensuring rapid turn-around and by providing customizable analysis tools such as graphical trend analysis and user configurable reports. WinROAST™ SQL-based report writer is so powerful the only limitation to its capabilities is your imagination.

Before delivery to the customer, a chemical technologist carefully reviews each report to ensure that the data is accurate and that the recommendations provided are meaningful. The results from each sample are compared directly with reference data from a new oil of the same type to ensure that important lubricant condition parameters such as viscosity, additive chemistry and acid/base number are within acceptable limits. This is part of Fluid Life’s commitment to quality and to provide the maximum return on investment for every dollar spent on oil analysis.

Each sample report is forwarded to the appropriate Fluid Life regional manager, who can provide advice and recommendations on a root cause solution to a specific problem. This customer-focused hands-on approach to oil analysis is designed to enhance the value of oil analysis as an effective condition-monitoring tool. Whether the solution is to improve seals and breathers, upgrade oil filtration or change certain maintenance practices, Fluid Life’s regional mangers will point you in the right direction for lasting solutions to complex problems.

If you’re just starting an oil analysis program or looking to improve your current program, consider how Fluid Life’s Total Fluid Management program can help you increase equipment
reliability and maximize production uptime.

For More Information:
The Fluid Life Corporation
Phone Edmonton: 780-462-2400
Phone Ontario: 905-333-7100

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