Spectro Inc. recently introduced a new portable fluid analysis system to give operators the capacity to perform comprehensive lubricant analysis in a wide variety of field environments. The Q5800 combines the ability to conduct abnormal wear metals analysis, particle counting, viscosity and lubricant condition as well as contamination tests in a compact, field-based system. The battery-powered device facilitates maintenance of equipment, enabling complete lubricant assessment for condition monitoring and fast results that permit informed maintenance decisions.
The system is comprised of three major measurement components: a filtration particle quantifier, which provides abnormal wear metal analysis along with particle counting; a kinematic viscometer; and an infrared spectrometer, which carries out tests for acid number, base number, water content, soot and oxidation.
The Q5800 requires no solvent usage, and all data is logged and tracked with an easy-to-use operating system. It comes with a custom backpack that allows the device and all accessories to be easily transported.
"We believe the Spectro Q5800 system is the most advanced, field-deployable lubricant analysis platform ever offered," said Spectro president and CEO Brian Mitchell. "Its development was conceived and initially funded under a Defense Acquisition Challenge Program (DACP) initiated more than three years ago and currently embodies seven patents either granted or pending. Combining these capabilities with its rugged and portable design enables users to rapidly perform field tests with accuracy equivalent to bench-top laboratory instrumentation."
For more information, visit www.spectroinc.com.
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