

Spectro Scientific Introduces New Onsite Oil Analysis System

Noria news wires

Spectro Scientific recently introduced the MiniLab153 oil analysis system to enable reliability and maintenance professionals to perform comprehensive onsite lubricant analysis.

Following the introduction of the MiniLab 53 last year, the new MiniLab 153 extends the product line by adding an elemental analyzer for the detection of contaminants, additives and wear metals. The new trace elemental capability is derived from the line of Spectroil Q100 RDE-OES (rotating disc electrode optical emission) spectrometers.   

The MiniLab 153 system is easy to operate and allows plant personnel with minimal training to perform consistently accurate analyses. A complete lab-quality measurement can be obtained onsite in less than 20 minutes.  

The system analyzes oil for contamination, chemistry and machinery wear by integrating instrumentation for particle count, viscosity, infrared spectroscopy, ferrous wear and wear particle characterization.

The MiniLab series generates easy-to-interpret results and reports with analytical software, which includes asset management and reference oil databases, alarm limit templates, report creation, automatic email report distribution and data analytics.

"The MiniLab 153 provides immediate answers about the health of high-value equipment with real-time analyses at the plant location," said Robert Wopperer, Spectro Scientific vice president of business development. "This information facilitates rapid maintenance actions that prevent unscheduled downtime, reduce maintenance costs and ensure machinery operates with optimum reliability."

For more information, visit www.spectrosci.com.

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