Experts agree that the best way to overcome a catastrophic machine failure is not to have one. However, those in the maintenance field understand that machine reliability comes at a...
During the first week in August, Noria held public courses for Oil Analysis Level I and Machinery Lubrication Level I in Toronto. Typically, many out-of-towners join us for these seminars. In...
In my previous column, I presented a case study that portrayed how having specific knowledge about a given situation can result not only in finding a viable solution but also in changing people’s...
Time-dependent limits monitor factors that are not absolute – in other words, parameters that cannot be judged as normal or abnormal without taking time into account. Consider the example of 100...
Wear debris particle analysis is an equipment health monitoring technique used to identify possible failure modes in various machine components such as those found in engines. One of the first...
Microtrac, Inc. has developed a multilaser particle sizing analyzer and sample delivery controller designed to provide better resolution at lower particle sizes in both wet and dry...
Lubricants operate in hostile, high-temperature environments where they are exposed to chemically reactive by-products such as partially burned hydrocarbons, soot, water, wear debris and products...
Electrostatic charge generation occurs in fluid systems as a result of friction between the fluid and system components. The magnitude of charge depends on many interrelated factors, including the...