

Zep Introduces New Penetrant/Lubricant

Noria news wires

Zep Inc. recently launched a new dual-action penetrant and lubricant with polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE).

Zep 45 DualForce features penetrant properties along with anti-wear and rust-prevention technology for corrosion resistance. It is ideal for applications including loosening rusty and seized bolts and screws, sticky pivot points, minimizing friction, moisture/rust protection for door hinges, roll-up doors, etc. 

Unlike some competitive products, Zep 45 DualForce continues to penetrate for 10 minutes or longer while delivering a low percentage of wear. In addition, its improved odor was preferred in field test surveys. 

"Test data proves that Zep 45 DualForce penetrates into tight spaces to loosen stuck parts and lubricates to protect most surfaces," said Zep Inc.'s Steve Nichols. "It's truly industrial-grade, performs exceptionally well and will save customers time and energy."

With less than 10-percent volatile organic compounds (VOCs), Zep 45 DualForce exceeds California’s 2014 VOC requirements of 25 percent and will maintain compliance with the state's 2016 VOC requirements of 10 percent. 

The penetrant/lubricant has a large pad actuator with a fan-mist spray for wide areas. A straw is provided for pinpoint stream accuracy in narrow areas. The product’s slotted stacker cap also allows for easy straw storage.

Zep 45 DualForce is available in a 20-ounce aerosol can and a 1-gallon liquid can. For more information, visit www.zep.com.

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