Noria Corporation was recently named among the top workplaces of 2015 in a survey of Oklahoma companies conducted by The Oklahoman and Philadelphia-based research firm WorkplaceDynamics.
The Oklahoman and WorkplaceDynamics considered 1,210 companies employing at least 35 personnel within Oklahoma. Of those, they selected the best 70 candidates, with Noria ranking among the top 40 companies employing fewer than 125 people.
"Our research of employee feedback concludes the common thread is having a healthy organization," wrote WorkplaceDynamics CEO Doug Claffey. "Healthy organizations thrive on people who feel connected to their workplace through meaningful work and the belief that their company is moving in the right direction."
Criteria for the top workplaces were based on the results of employee surveys in which staff members from participating companies evaluated their workplaces on seven different factors: work, manager, pay and benefits, direction, execution, connection, and engagement. Across the board, Oklahoma employees' top priorities pertained to organizational health and connection, with pay and benefits scoring the lowest.
"Employees among The Oklahoman's top workplaces buy in to where they're going and how they're getting there," Claffey noted. "So much so, they're not afraid to use the 'L-word' when it comes to their jobs – 'I love my job.' WorkplaceDynamics has determined for many years that more money or perks do not account for the difference between an average and poor workplace."
Noria Corporation is the education resource of choice for numerous Fortune 500 companies. In addition to publishing and providing conferences and employee training, Noria provides a range of services related to advanced machine reliability and maintenance technologies. The majority of its editorial staff are practicing professionals who make up the leadership of Noria's consulting and services team.
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